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Get Your Lost Glasses Back FAST with Glasses Tags™!
Sample owner contact information page.
According to a report by the Bureau of Accessory Statistics, each year the U.S. loses more pairs of sunglasses per person than any other nation. "Over 1.6 billion pairs of sunglasses are lost by Americans concerned with shielding their eyes from excess light and harmful UVA radiation". This works out to six pairs of sunglasses per American per year, or 50 pairs of sunglasses lost every second. In second place, Italy has a lost-sunglasses rate of one pair per citizen per year, followed by Japan, Iceland, and Portugal with loss rates of .23, .19, and .16 respectively.
Having to replace lost sunglasses or prescription eyeglasses can be quite costly. Now there's a NEW way to retrieve lost glasses very quickly. Glasses Tags™ are small wrap-around labels that go on many types of eyeglasses or sunglasses. Once applied (video), anyone who has found your lost glasses can simply enter the code on the tag at and your contact information will be immediately shown on their phone or computer. Finders can also send you an email or text message letting you know where to retrieve your glasses. There's also LIVE OPERATOR assistance. Email addresses are kept private at all times and no street address is ever shown.

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In addition to having the ability to get lost glasses back quickly, Wemetcard Members also have access to the entire Wemetcard Contact Services System which enables you to get back lost cell phones, keys, wallets, ipods, ipads, laptops, cameras, backpacks, luggage and other items you own. You also get FREE Cell Phone Deductible Coverage (We pay 100% of your deductible if your phone becomes irretrievable, stolen or damaged), Member Only discount shopping, your own blog page, the ability to upload photos, post videos, post and search classifieds and many other Premium Member benefits! |